Gratitude & Blessings Ritual with Ruby Zoisite
A simple gratitude and blessings ritual using Ruby Zoisite to cultivate an open heart and attract abundance. This ritual can be done anytime you want to focus on gratitude, inviting blessings, or opening your heart to love.

- A piece of Ruby Zoisite
- White or green candle (for blessings and heart energy)
- A small bowl of water (to represent cleansing and flow)
- A pen and paper
- Your favourite calming incense (optional)

Create a Sacred Space: Find a quiet, comfortable space where you can be undisturbed. Light the candle and incense, if using, to create a calming atmosphere. Hold the Ruby Zoisite in your hand, feeling its energy.
Ground and Centre: Take a few deep breaths to ground yourself, imagining your energy connecting to the earth. Visualize the green and red energies of Ruby Zoisite swirling around your heart, opening it to gratitude and love.
Write Your Blessings: On the paper, write down at least three things you are grateful for—whether they’re big or small. As you write, focus on the feeling of gratitude and appreciation filling your heart. You can also list any blessings you wish to attract into your life, framing them as though they’ve already happened (e.g., “I am blessed with abundance in all forms”).
Bless the Water: Gently dip the Ruby Zoisite into the bowl of water, symbolizing the flow of blessings into your life. As you do this, say aloud or silently, "I open my heart to the blessings of the universe, grateful for all that I have and all that is yet to come."
Close the Ritual: Sit for a few moments, feeling the gratitude and blessings filling your heart. When you feel ready, snuff out the candle (or let it burn safely) and thank the universe for the blessings you’ve acknowledged. Keep the Ruby Zoisite in a place where you can see it regularly, reminding you of the gratitude and blessings you invited into your life.